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Pre-K Day in the Life!

Early Childhood Wednesday, 11 Oct 2023

A Day in the Life of a Pre-K Griffin is packed full of community building, learning foundational skills, and having fun in a school environment!

From the very beginning of the school day, our youngest students explore fine and gross motor skills, storytelling, and imaginative play in the classroom with a dedicated and experienced classroom teacher. Students are also introduced to concepts like leadership, responsibility, and collaboration during free-play time. The Early Childhood curriculum at Roycemore focuses on integrating skills like pre-reading and math throughout the day through both structured and unstructured classroom activities. This ensures that students are meeting developmental goals while also building a self-motivated love of learning.

Then, the fun continues with specials. Pre-K students at Roycemore have the opportunity to participate in French, Music, Art, Library, and P.E., just like their Lower and Middle School peers! Introducing Specials at an early age prepares Early Childhood learners for the transition to Lower School, as well as helping them build strong relationships with a variety of trusted adult educators. Specials also offer a chance for our students to "learn by doing," a key tenet of our Early Childhood pedagogy. Whether it's practicing holding a paintbrush to develop fine motor skills in Art, reinforcing counting and vocabulary in French, or learning how to throw and catch in P.E., specials are vital in ensuring that students develop the physical, emotional, and cultural skills that Roycemore values.

Pre-K students are also instructed by our School Social Worker, who teaches social-emotional learning skills. Roycemore's commitment to imbuing our students with emotional intelligence (one of the three key aspects of our Portrait of a Graduate) is reflected in our SEL curriculum for our youngest learners, which focuses on empathy and collaboration. Roycemire's Pre-K to Grade 12 community also offers our youngest students the benefit of meaningful mentorship and peer relationships. Each Pre-K student is paired with a "Griffin Buddy," an older student who serves as a role model, friendly face in the hallway, and partner during all-school events.

At Roycemore, we recognize our responsibility to provide variety, community, and substance to all of our learners; this is how you cultivate a lifetime love of learning. Our Early Childhood curriculum is designed to see each child as individual and support their unique needs and passions!

Want to learn more about Roycemore's Pre-K curriculum? Make sure to register for Roycemore's Open House on Sunday, October 22nd at https://www.roycemoreschool.or...

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