Welcome from the Head of School

Greetings, Friends!
Learning is about improvement. We better ourselves, our relationships, our communities, and the world around us by engaging the tools, resources, and people that enable our growth and allow us to apply our learning. At Roycemore, we create an intentional learning environment that encourages the development of the individual intellectual identity and demonstrates the collective value of community through equity, inclusion, and diversity.
We believe in the power and potential of an intimate community that is dedicated to the success of every individual. Our students learn to think without limits and courageously engage with the world around them.
The very best research into effective education clearly demonstrates that relationships matter. Students need to feel connected, and at Roycemore, every single student is known, appreciated, and nurtured by highly skilled, engaged, and caring educators. The sense of community is evident from the moment you arrive on campus. I felt it on my first visit, and I have had that sentiment repeated to me over and over by the students, parents, faculty, and staff of this incredible school.
It is a privilege to be the Head of School at Roycemore, and I look forward to welcoming you to our community.
-Chris English