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Roycemore's Best Back-to-School Tips!

Monday, 07 Aug 2023

It’s back-to-school season, which is equal parts exciting and overwhelming, especially when kids are still in summer mode. 

We get it! Starting school again is a big deal for a lot of students, but there’s no need to worry. Here are some of our favorite practices to create an easy and intentional transition back to school:

Establish a school routine.

We all love a relaxed summertime schedule. However, an abrupt change in routine might lead to the first-day-of-school anxiety that every parent wants to avoid. Make the transition easier by introducing elements of your school routine 2-4 weeks out from the start of school. Waking up and going to bed at the same time, packing lunches, and picking out fun outfits can make school seem like an adventure.

Read and talk about school.

This tip is especially important for little ones: reading and talking about what to expect is a great way to introduce new routines and ideas to your child. Build up anticipation for the school environment by sharing fun stories from your own school experience and asking questions about your what your child imagines school to be like! You can also create your own story about all of the fun things that are going to happen on the first day of school and make your child the main character.

Meet the teacher and visit the classroom.

The most important thing you can do to prepare your child for starting school is to meet the teacher and see the classroom. This can happen during an orientation or a back-to-school day and goes a long way toward demystifying the classroom environment and the people they will be interacting with at school. This is also an opportunity for you to ask your students' teacher questions about their expectations and how they handle the back-to-school transition on their end. For older kids, this is a chance to practice independence as they learn what their responsibilities will be as members of the school community.

Offer your student support on their first day.

On the first day, explore the balance between independence and support. For example, younger kids might enjoy having a special comfort object as a “back-to-school buddy,” or carrying a message of love on a piece of paper during their first days. Older students might still appreciate a note being tucked into their lunchbox or having a special dinner to talk about their first day. This way, while they are making friends, meeting their teachers, and doing activities, they know that their family is with them.

Don’t rush it!

Allow your child time to adjust to their school environment. Encourage them to share what they’re feeling about the start of school, but don’t push it. It can take months for this to feel “normal,” and it’s important to remember that every child has unique needs. Open conversations about how you are feeling can encourage them to share their own experiences and create healthy dialogue. 

No matter how you choose to prepare your student for their first day of school, remember that it’s all about creating a safe and fun environment for your child to experience independence, grow as a learner, and form life-long bonds. Good luck, and have a happy and healthy school year!

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